If you could read only one book on money, make it this one

Arjit Raj
2 min readAug 5, 2023

[Book Review] If you could read only ONE book on the topic of money, make this the one! (Just 152 pages!)

The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S. Clason that dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon.

The book remains in print almost a century after the parables were originally published, and is regarded as a classic of personal financial advice.

The book will reinforce the good concepts you already know and help you decide on the bad ones. The best part of the book — it talks in detail about the role of luck in growing money.

The important concepts of handling debt, savings, real estate, investment, insurance, and living a comfortable life are all well covered in the book.

I have read many books on finance but haven’t found a single book that covers all the important core elements related to managing and growing money. This book does that with interesting stories and parables.

Many mainstream finance books are filled with jargon and anecdotal experiences, which often make the book 300+ pages long. Not this one. It was hard for me to find any single page that could be skipped.

But wait! Important to know what not to expect from this book —

The book will not tell you where to invest your money, or what work to do to make more money. It will not tell you how to get rid of debt or which insurance plan to take.

In other words, the book will not teach you which fish to catch from the pond, but will definitely teach you how to catch a fish and how much to catch.

Before you purchase the book, keep in mind that the book was written in 1926. So it has the usage of archaic words like thy (your), thou (you, dost (do), morrow (next day), thyself (yourself), maketh (make), doth (do), etc.

While most of the words are easy to deduce by context, a simple Google search will help if you find trouble. Do not drop this book just for this little trouble. (There is a good chance you may even enjoy reading because of this).

Which is your finance/money book? Have you found any book that actually led you to take some action?

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